About Us

Introducing June & Bug Company: A Testament to Sustainable Living

Nestled amidst the frenetic pace of urban life, emerges a tale of reverence for the natural world—a tale embodied by the founding ethos of June & Bug Company. Born from the shared aspirations of a devoted husband and wife, Lindsey and Rakesh, June & Bug Company epitomizes a steadfast commitment to fostering a greener, healthier lifestyle. 

Both Lindsey and Rakesh hail from backgrounds deeply entrenched in the pursuit of physical and mental well-being. Rakesh, an avid athlete and entrepreneur, spearheads a biotechnology firm dedicated to ensuring affordable access to health and wellness products in underserved regions around the world. His tireless efforts in bridging the gap between healthcare disparities have left an indelible mark on communities worldwide. 

Meanwhile, Lindsey’s journey as a seasoned yoga instructor has imbued her with a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Through her practice, she has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of embracing nature as a source of holistic rejuvenation and inner harmony.

As anticipation swelled for the impending arrival of their first child, Lindsey and Rakesh found themselves drawn to the intrinsic allure of nature. Their quest for a cleaner, more nurturing environment, both for their growing family and themselves, ignited a profound desire to channel their passion into action.

Thus, with unwavering dedication, they embarked on a transformative journey to establish a company that transcends mere commerce. June & Bug Company was conceived as a sanctuary—a haven where individuals could access an array of thoughtfully curated products designed to imbue their lives with the revitalizing essence of the natural world.

At June & Bug Company, we meticulously curate a selection of home décor and personal products care products, each chosen to harmonize with our ethos of sustainability and well-being. Every item is a testament to our unwavering commitment to promoting a lifestyle deeply rooted in environmental consciousness and holistic wellness.

As custodians of our planet's delicate ecosystem, we recognize the profound impact of our choices on future generations. Thus, with every purchase made through June & Bug Company, customers not only acquire exquisite, hand-picked products but also contribute to a larger narrative of environmental stewardship and mindfulness.

Our journey is one defined by purpose and passion—a journey marked by a relentless pursuit of harmony between humanity and the natural world. Join us as we endeavor to cultivate a community united by a shared reverence for nature and a collective commitment to sustainable living.

Welcome to June & Bug Company—where the beauty of nature meets the promise of a brighter, greener tomorrow.

You may be asking…why the name June & Bug Company?

Our name is not merely a label but a profound tribute to a cherished member of our family. June & Bug Company derives its name from our beloved baby girl, June Carter, affectionately known as June Bug. June entered our lives just one month into our marriage, a serendipitous blessing that illuminated our days with her boundless love and infectious joy.


Born on the very day of our engagement, she was a symbol of our enduring commitment and the embodiment of hope for a future filled with promise. Tragically, June's journey was cut short by a devastating battle with a relentless form of lymphoma during the pandemic. Faced with this heartbreaking ordeal, we made the courageous decision to relocate to another state, determined to provide her with access to the finest veterinary oncology care available. Though June may no longer be with us, her spirit lives on in every facet of our company, inspiring us to persevere in our mission to nurture and protect the well-being of all living beings, just as she once enriched our lives with her boundless affection and unwavering resilience.


Join us on this journey to build out a healthier, more eco-conscious life, one choice at a time!